We offer a variety of pole classes for all levels & categories:

Our level classes are prepared with the focus on building the fundamental skills needed for you to embark on your pole journey in a safe & unimpaired way.
Each level consists of one term.
By the end of the syllabus, you will be equipped with the proper foundational pole techniques necessary for your progression
Beginner 1
Start your pole journey with us in our friendly beginner class! In this class, learn basic pole spins, pole handling & pole climb, and watch as you get stronger progressively.
Tricks you will be learning: Fireman spin, Front knee hook versions, pole climb & sit
*No pre-requisites required.
Beginner 2
Get ready for inverts in this class! You will be learning more spins, the different hand grips
and get your first taste of inverts in this class.
Tricks you will be learning: Butterfly handstand, Inside and outside leg hang
*Pre-requisites: Have learnt inverted crucifix, Pole climb & sit.
This syllabus focuses on building your strength & confidence in doing inversion and the tricks from it. You will also explore drops. By the end of the syllabus, you will be conditioned for advance tricks in the next level.
Intermediate 1
Get even more comfortable with inversions as you learn new tricks from inverts. Continue to build your strength with the different type of hand grips. You will start to condition for aerial inverts as well in this level.
Tricks you’ll be learning: Jamila, Caterpillar, Superman Ballerina
*Pre-requisites: Have learnt leg hangs, comfortable with inversions
Intermediate 2
In this level, you will touch on new inversions and new tricks from inversions such as shoulder mount, brass monkey. You will also start to learn aerial inverts and tricks from it as well as your first drop!
Tricks you’ll be learning: Aerial inverts, side climb, brass monkey, shoulder mount
Pre-requisites: Comfortable with inversions, leg hangs & layback.
Intermediate 3
Continue to condition and gain upper body strength in this class that will prepare you for our Inter - Advance syllabus! Expect more knee holds, handstands and more tricks & transitions from the new inverts you have learnt.
Tricks you’ll be learning: Extended butterfly, Iguana mount, Genie, Step Up
Pre-requisites: Able to do butterfly, aerial invert & have learnt shoulder mount.
In this syllabus, you will be progressively learning more strength based tricks that will allow you to be more precisely aware of your body & muscle engagements which is necessary for advance tricks & combos.
Inter - Advance 1
Start your inter advance journey by learning & getting use to tricks that no longer require hand grips! You will also start conditioning for tricks that requires more detachment & core strength. Learn your first flip in this class!
Tricks you’ll be learning: Static - V, Dangerous bird, Allegra, Cannon ball & Remi seat
Pre-requisites: Able aerial invert & shoulder mount.
Inter - Advance 2
In this level, you will explore strength based transitions and new tricks & combos. Condition for your handspring in this level. Expect handstands, tumbles and new hand grips for inverts.
Tricks you’ll be learning: Mai Saito, Marksman, Super invert
Pre-requisites: Assessment required.
Be surprised by the strength you have build up over the previous levels with the tricks you will learning in this level.
Tricks you’ll be learning: Flag to brass monkey, 1 handstand walkover, Meat hook, Pegasus
Pre-requisites: Assessment required.

Our men's pole syllabus are specially curated with the focused on working the innate muscular strength in men to achieve strength based tricks in the most efficient way.
Each level consists of two terms.
Men's Pole 1
For beginners and men who had taken one term of pole, this class is for your to learn basic spin techniques with the focus on proper engagement of the muscles required to build the strength for your pole journey. Expect to have a taste of your first inverts in this level!
Tricks you will be learning: Pole climb & sit, Inverted crucifix, Inside & outside leg hangs, Layback
*No pre-requisites required.
Men's Pole 2
After getting the hang of your inverts in Men's Pole 1, explore even more inversions & hand grips in this level. Find yourself working a lot more on core strength to achieve the even more exciting tricks that are higher & more detached.
Tricks you will be learning: Shoulder mount, Aerial inverts, Iguana, Brass monkey
*Pre-requisites: Able to invert & hold leg hangs, layback comfortably
Men's Pole 3
Get ready to challenge yourself more in this level as you learn new hand grips, and even more strength base tricks. Expect tumbles, handstand and new ways to invert.
Tricks you will be learning: Static V, Mai Saito, Marksman, Super invert
*Pre-requisites: Complete Men's 2 or pass assessment.

Our pole combos classes are for those who wish to explore transitions & combinations of not just the tricks you have learn in our level classes but also tricks that are outside of the syllabus. Both static & spinny combos will be taught.
Pole Combos 1
Great for beginner - intermediate level, this level explores new tricks & transitions from leg hangs as well as more new spins.
*Pre-requisites: Have completed Beginner level / Men's Pole 1 or able to invert & hold leg hangs.
Pole Combos 2
For our intermediate level students, you will find yourself getting stronger & challenged in this level as you learn new tricks from aerial inversions, shoulder mount and more.
*Pre-requisites: Have completed Intermediate 2 / Men's Pole 2 level or able to do shoulder mount & brass monkey.
Pole Combos 3
This level is for our intermediate advance & advance students! Learn even longer combos that will work on your endurance, strength & flexibility. Expect trending tricks as well!
*Pre-requisites: Have completed Inter Advance 2 / Men's 3 or pass assessment.
Pole Combos 4
For our tricks lovers, this is the level for you! Challenge yourself with advance tricks combos & transitions and see how far you can go in this level.
*Pre-requisites: Have completed Advance level or pass assessment.
Dynamic Pole Combos
Calling all our dare devils & static pole lovers - this is the one for you! Learn dynamic pole tricks that allow you to fly, flip & go up the pole in ways you never imagined. Definitely not for the faint hearted!
*Pre-requisites: Assessment required.

Pole exotic is a category where pole dance elements & tricks are done in heels combined with dance & floorwork elements.
A pole choreography class performed in heels - our exotic choreography classes is a great way for you to feel sexy & confident while learning new exotic elements.
Exotic 1
Dip your toes, or should we say heels, into Exotic in this level. Great for beginners who have just learn pole and wish to explore more categories. You will learn body waves, new spins, basic exotic transitions, floor & leg work in this level.
*Pre-requisites: Have completed Beginner level 1
Exotic 2
For intermediate students who have caught the exotic bug - this class is for you as you learn even more advance exotic tricks in this level. Expect more intricate transitions, floor rolls, shoulder stands, inversions & baby kips in this class!
*Pre-requisites: Able to invert comfortably.
Gaby's Signature Exotic
Instructor Gaby has a definite fiery, hard rock style that is great for anyone who wishes to unleased that fire in them. If that is you, then this class if for you!
*Pre-requisites: Assessment required.
Exotic is known for its sensual components. But more than that, exotic pole also requires strength & flexibility as well as the understanding of body isolation, musicality & nuance to be able to showcase its flavour. There is why this syllabus is curated to focus on the techniques to achieve exotic tricks & elements.
Exotic Tricks & Techniques Lv. 1
Learn all about the basics of exotic in this class - how to create beautiful body & leg waves, how to execute a smooth floorwork & learn new exotic tricks along the way. Expect floor rolls, spins & baby kips in this syllabus. Variations will be given.
*Pre-requisites: Have completed Beginner level.
Exotic Tricks & Techniques Lv. 2
For experience exotic lovers, this class is for you as you learn trending exotic tricks alongside classic intermediate / advance exotic elements like fish flops, flips & kips.
*Pre-requisites: Have completed Intermediate 2 level or passed assessment.
For those who want to try something different when it comes to exotic, our chairpolgraphy class is the one for you! A sensual coming together of chair & pole, expect interesting transitions & tricks in this class!
*Open level. No Pre-requisites required.​

If you love dancing & if you love pole tricks, this syllabus is for you. In this syllabus, you will learn pole and floor tricks & transitions and put them in a beautiful choreography. No heels are required for this syllabus.
Lyrical 1
This level is beginner polers who wish to explore more beginner friendly tricks and learn how to put those tricks into a choreography. This level will cover tricks from our beginner level & more.
*Pre-requisites: Have completed Beginner level or able to pole climb & sit.
Lyrical 2
This level of lyrical pole will cover tricks from our intermediate levels and more - perfect for intermediate students who are looking to build more endurance & strength alongside new tricks.
*Pre-requisites: Have completed Intermediate 2 or able to do aerial invert
Lyrical 3
For our advance polers wanting to put those tricks in a choreography - this is the class you wouldn't want to miss. Expect intricate pole transitions & tricks that will definitely challenge your strength & endurance.
*Pre-requisites: Have completed Inter Advance 1

As with more sports, cross disciplinary training is recommended to improve your overall body function to train efficiently & safely - especially in a sport like pole & aerial where strength, mobility, flexibility & endurance are all equally required. Our supplementary classes are a good way for you to get those training in.
Our flexibility class is more than just passive stretching. We focus on mobility training, conditioning & strengthening the muscles that will allow you to stretch safely & actively.
You will work on full body stretch with the focus on backbends & splits.
*Open level. No pre-requisites required.
This is a specially crafted class for those who wishes to conditioned themselves in areas of strength & mobility that will aid in their pole journey.
*Open level. No pre-requisites required.
Add some swag & sass in your pole routine in this super fun class. Learn something new each week that is a marry of hip hop sass and pole. This is a fun new way to get some cardio in!
*Open level. No pre-requisites required. Heels & kneepads optional.